In the Community

Aircraft Noise

Committment to Being a Good Neighbor

The DFW Noise Compatibility Office is the primary liaison between neighboring communities, residents, municipalities, airlines, FAA, universities, NASA and Board staff to demonstrate noise and land use compliance deliverables, meet, educate, research, assist and advise on aircraft noise, flight patterns, airspace and related actions.

Contact the DFW Noise Team

To submit an airport related noise inquiry you can email or call the Noise office.

Call the noise office +1-972-973-3192Email the noise office

DFW's Monitoring

On Noise: DFW monitors sound from aircraft operations and from local community activities via a series of permanently-mounted noise monitor sites strategically located in nine cities, and three counties. The measured noise data is correlated with FAA radar data to determine the source attributable to aircraft operations (arrivals and departures). The correlated noise data confirms compliance with federal stipulations from the 1992 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and provides local communities and builders with baseline aircraft and community sound exposure levels for building design and planning.

On Flight Tracks: DFW’s Noise Compatibility Office is responsible for monitoring aircraft flight tracks, via FAA radar data feed. The flight tracks are retained by DFW’s tracking system and can be superimposed on a street base map to evaluate flights in the DFW Metroplex. DFW’s flight tracking system stores information on individual flights such as Flight ID, aircraft type and operation, as well as, aggregate information regarding volume and frequent of flights, average altitude, etc over any geographic point in Metroplex. For example, DFW’s flight tracking system can help a potential home buyer understand the type of operations that could occur over a home of interest prior to their decision to purchase.

Night Aerial

Track incoming and outgoing flights, Noise FAQS and more.

DFW Airport Noise Info

View more information on Airport noise. View live flight tracks, see the latest DFW news on the runway project, daily statistics as well as historical flights in their vicinity.

DFW Airport Noise Info

Track incoming and outgoing flights, Noise FAQS and more.

View more information on Airport noise. View live flight tracks, see the latest DFW news on the runway project, daily statistics as well as historical flights in their vicinity.

Night Aerial

Track incoming and outgoing flights, Noise FAQS and more.

DFW Airport Noise Info

View more information on Airport noise. View live flight tracks, see the latest DFW news on the runway project, daily statistics as well as historical flights in their vicinity.

DFW Airport Noise Info

Track incoming and outgoing flights, Noise FAQS and more.

View more information on Airport noise. View live flight tracks, see the latest DFW news on the runway project, daily statistics as well as historical flights in their vicinity.

Visit the DFW Noise Center

Noise & Airspace Education Outreach

DFW’s Noise Compatibility Center provides a venue for community forums to discuss airport-related topics. The large displays enable a clear view of the Metroplex and the complex strata of aviation activity. If you would like to visit the DFW Noise Center, please contact Sandy Lancaster at +1-972-973-5573

Noise & Airspace Education Outreach

Visit the DFW Noise Center

DFW’s Noise Compatibility Center provides a venue for community forums to discuss airport-related topics. The large displays enable a clear view of the Metroplex and the complex strata of aviation activity. If you would like to visit the DFW Noise Center, please contact Sandy Lancaster at +1-972-973-5573

Aircraft Noise
Aircraft Noise

Visit the DFW Noise Center

Noise & Airspace Education Outreach

DFW’s Noise Compatibility Center provides a venue for community forums to discuss airport-related topics. The large displays enable a clear view of the Metroplex and the complex strata of aviation activity. If you would like to visit the DFW Noise Center, please contact Sandy Lancaster at +1-972-973-5573

Noise & Airspace Education Outreach

Visit the DFW Noise Center

DFW’s Noise Compatibility Center provides a venue for community forums to discuss airport-related topics. The large displays enable a clear view of the Metroplex and the complex strata of aviation activity. If you would like to visit the DFW Noise Center, please contact Sandy Lancaster at +1-972-973-5573

DFW would like to update you regarding the runway rehabilitation work of Runway 18R/36L.  We appreciate your patience during this improtant project for DFW Airport.

We are planed to inform you that Runway 18R/36L is reopened for daytime operations as of April 14, 2021.  Please note that there is still significant work on taxiways and electrical adjacent to the runway; however, DFW is reopening the runway for day use in order to relieve closure efforst for local communities and for our airline partners.  Runway 18R/36L's use will be limited by closures of some runway exit taxiway that are stil closed for reconstruction.  As a result, arriving aircraft will remain on the runway longer to be able to exit, limiting the use of the runway.  So, while some air traffic will shift back to this runway when it reopened, you may still experience flights from air traffic that are using other runways until the runway is avilable at full capacity.  Finally, Runway 18R/36L will be closed for night work from 10pm to 8 am until May 4th, at which time the night closures will be reduced from 11pm to 7am.

We encourage you to continue to use DFW resources to view near real-time flights at We've recently updated our website, however, you can still access noise information at As always, residents with inquiries or comments should contact DFW Airport by email at, or on the Noise Complaint Hotline, at 972-973-3192 (manned 24/7).

DFW Aircraft Noise Closures Map

DFW recently released a new flight tracking website that can be used to see near-live flight tracks, see the latest DFW news on the runway project, daily statistics as well as a feature that allows the public to input their address to view current and historical flights in their vicinity. View DFW Airport’s Noise Website here.

Citizens with inquiries or comments should contact DFW Airport by email at, or on the Noise Complaint Hotline, at +1-972-973-3192 (manned 24/7). Follow-up response calls or emails will be provided, when requested. Additionally, please visit our Noise Website, for more up-to-date information as well as links to our public-facing website.


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